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What to do to avoid eye pain

The era has changed. Instead of hoeing or plowing the fields, one now earns a living by typing on a keyboard. As a result, the eyes are on the PC or laptop screen most of the day. The rest of the time is also on the mobile screen. As a result, there is a lot of pressure on the eyes. Those eyes can be kept healthy by using a few tips.

If you use computers and laptops for a long time, there is a lot of pressure on the eyes, which are known as the sensitive parts of the body. As a result, problems such as watery eyes or red eyes sometimes occur. Many people don’t want to pay attention to them. As a result, both the intensity and extent of the pain gradually increased.

At that time, many people had pain in their eyes. Sometimes the pain spreads beyond the forehead vein to the head. In medical terms, it is called a cluster headache. Pain starts at the same time every morning and evening. Then everything starts to feel unbearable with extra light or noise.

Staring at the computer screen can damage your eyes.

Doctors say how many rules should be followed to avoid such situations.

Blinking the eyelids every 3–4 seconds keeps many eye problems at bay. Especially for those who have to work looking at the computer in one way, it is good to do this eye exercise occasionally.

Frequent blinking of the eyelids for 1 minute is also a very beneficial exercise for the eyes. It improves eyesight.

Rolling the eyeballs is also a very effective exercise for the eyes. Rotate the gem clockwise and then counter-clockwise four times. Then close your eyes for 2–3 seconds. If you do this exercise twice a day, the eye muscles will be good.

After staring at a computer or mobile screen for 20 minutes straight, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. If this exercise is done after 20 minutes, it will bring great benefits to the eyes.

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